Category Archives: A Muse in My Kitchen

Pandora’s Box

Oi! What started out as what I thought would be a simple task ended up eating (pardon the pun) up my morning. I have a recipe box that I have carried with me from the day I left my parent’s house. There are recipes I clipped from the days of being a newlywed (to my […]

A Pickle Tickle

There’s no way I can write about pickles without giggling. I tried to write a serious title but couldn’t resist having fun with it. Seriously, pickles have taken over my life … and my pantry. It all started with a pickle from Fremont, Indiana made by Mr. Rickle – thus Rickles Pickles. Their website is quite […]

Argggh ugula

One of my motives in cooking is to constantly introduce the ‘green stuff’ into the menu without much kicking and fighting. Keep in mind that I don’t have youngsters to deal with in introducing tastes…we’re talking about a 50+ 60 year old man/boy who never got over the ‘green stuff’ in his youth. That’s my challenge and […]

The Kitchen Dance

That’s how it always is with me. I do things. I make things…especially in the kitchen. I cook. I always have. I take what I do for granted. I thought everyone cooked like I did. I have many recipes, many cooking experiences – which started at a convent when I was sixteen….and lasted the rest […]