Tag Archives: muffins

Banana Gems

This morning I’m staring at a pair of rotten bananas and can’t bring myself to throw them out. I usually do but this morning, I felt particularly guilty.  As I was searching in my pantry for what I had to work with – I found an unopened jar of Nutella and a half used bag […]

Irish Soda Bread Muffins

I’m not Irish…I don’t even own one piece of green clothing but I sure have fun with the holiday! When my girls were little toddlers, I would wake them up in the morning in my Irish brogue (well, my Polish Slovak Irish brogue)… and would talk to them all day in my brogue… I would […]

Jammy Yammys

Tomorrow I’m preparing for my cooking demonstrations at Graf Grower’s. The theme is back to school recipes. This is one of those recipes that if you read the ingredients you may never try it. So I didn’t tell Hubby what was in them… Sweet potatoes and jelly muffins! Cook yourself up some sweet taters… Mash ‘em […]

Banana Gems

Did you ever have a recipe that you completely forgot about for twenty years? I did! What was I thinking? The other day I called my sister to find out what she’s been up to and she told me that her and the kids were making “Aunt Linda’s Banana Gems”! I blushed for I haven’t […]